Humility and holiness
Just the other day I picked up a copy of "Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness" by Andrew Murray (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2001). It's a good little read and has a lot to contribute to a discussion on holiness.
Humility is something I have struggled with my whole life. Not so much because I'm full of myself and want everyone to know about it. Quite the opposite. Rather, it's because I much prefer to not be in the spotlight, but I find that God has gifted me with particular talents and abilities that see me often in the public eye. So I have constantly battled with the issue of remaining humble, living a life that points to Christ and glorifies God through the power of the Spirit, but at the same time being confident in who I am in Christ.
To be perfectly honest, I get that balance wrong at times. Sometimes I do promote myself rather than Christ and so humility gets left behind. Other times I "bury my talents" in the name of humility (which is not humility at all really) and so don't do what God has called me to do.
This is a journey that I have been on all my life and haven't arrived there (wherever "there" is???) yet. However, here's what I have learned so far.

- Humility stems from seeing myself in the light of who God is.
- I am to "humble myself" before God.
- He is the one who will "lift me up" (James 4:10)
- Humility is the example of Christ and so part of what it means to be "Christlike" (Philippians 2:1-11).
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