Upcoming Events

There are a few free events upcoming which you may be interested in attending.

1. The Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane are hosting Dr Joseph Coleson from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City tonight (25th August, 2010). More details here.

2. Booth College is hosting General Dr Paul Rader (R) and Commissioner Kay Rader who will be presenting the Coutts Memorial Lecture. The lecture will be presented in Sydney on Thursday 26th August at 7:30pm and in Brisbane on Sunday 29th August at 2:30pm. More details here.

You can also view online the Sydney lecture (26th August at 7:30pm) via the livestream available here.

3. St Andrew's Greek Orthodox College in Sydney are hosting their 2010 Patristic Symposium on Wednesday nights commencing 1 September through to 6 October. More details here.

4. Macquarie University Ancient Cultures Research Centre and Australain Catholic University Centre of Early Christian Studies have combined to present "Epistolary Conversations: Opening the letter of Classical and Late Antiquitty". This will be an all day event on Monday 15 November 2010, starting at 9:30am to 5:30pm. More details here. RSVP is required for this one.

5. Macquarie University are also hosting Professor Larry Welborn who will be presenting a free public lecture on Wednesday 8 September, 2010 at 7:15pm - 8:30pm. More details here. RSVP is also required for this one.

I hope to attend some of these myself and so I look forward to seeing you there.



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